Enjoey these vedio:-
1. Believe that you have an inner self to explore and that you are willing to let yourself develop your innate talents and gifts. Here are a few insightful quotes about personal development to ponder.
"Go confidently into the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler." – Henry David Thoreau
"Develop interest in life as you see it; in people, things, literature, music – the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself." – Henry Miller
"Often people attempt to live their lives backward: they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want so that they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who your really are, then, do what you need to do, in order to have what you want." – Margaret Young.
"Life shrinks and expands in proportion to one's courage." -Anais Nin
"Always leave enough time in your life to do something that makes you happy, satisfied, even joyous. That has more of an effect on economic well-being than any other single factor."-Paul Hawken
"He who knows others is wise; he who know himself is enlightened." -Lao-tzu
3. Treat yourself to personal time away from family and friends to do something that makes you feel happy and fulfilled at least once a week.
4. Keep a private journal and write in it faithfully everyday. Let the distractions, injuries, worries, plans, hopes and ideas flow from your brain to the paper. This will help to clear your mind, focus on what is positive and release ideas and beliefs that may be holding you back.
5. Take time regularly to go inward with meditation or prayer
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أمــــل الفـــقراء
6 مـــــايو2011م
Being Beautiful
Enjoey these vedio:-Why is Being Beautiful So Important?
We always, and everywhere, try to be beautiful, and in the process a mirror becomes more personal to us than we are to ourselves. The process of becoming beautiful and looking good is so rapid that what we become is just an outward us. Is being beautiful so important? Even now we see the most popular people not so good-looking, and the most beautiful people next door not so popular. Does beauty really matter? Probably it does, particularly for people who have a dying preoccupation for the body and would go to any length to safeguard it. No wonder then, despite nearly thirty years of feminism, beauty industry is a multi-billion dollar a year business. Those who make money have a mind, and those who spend have forgotten they have it.
Goodness from Within Reflects on Our Expressions
Least do we realize that we would look the way we are, and an expression on our face is actually the reflection of what we are from within? We can camouflage the exterior, but what can we do to the interior. Our goodness or badness, generosity or animosity, or love or hatred, all show somewhere here or somewhere there on our bodies. If we are good from within, our face reflects a mesmerizing state of goodness; if we are not, we clearly show it through our expressions.
أمــــل الفـــقراء
7 مـــــايو2011م
How to Be Happy In 7 Easy Steps
Would you like to know how to be happier? Happy people don just feel good, they are good for other people too. Studies show that happy people give more and practice universal virtues more. Feeling happy is good for us too- improving our health by improving the body’s chemical balance. Science confirms what spiritual leaders and philosophers have always known. Happiness is good and you can learn how to be happy.
Here are 7 easy steps you can use to be happier now!
1. Develop close relationships with friends and family.

2. Choose work you like to do that is meaningful to you.
3. Choose hobbies you enjoy.
Just like work, our hobbies can generate those peak moments and satisfying engagement too.4. Choose your thoughts
Journalling, biofeedback and talking to friends are all good ways to change your thoughts |
- Optimism
Optimism is the belief that things work out for the best most of the time. Optimistic people focus on the solution more than the problem because they know the solution it is there. - Appreciation
Appreciation is often the ability to see the positive in something more strongly than the negative. It is the ability to notice and admire what is good. - Gratitude
Gratitude goes beyond appreciation in not just noting what is good, but feeling good fortune or grace at experiencing good things. - Forgiveness
Happiness as an emotion moves us towards things or people we appreciate. Hate and anger move us away. Forgiveness is letting go of the hate and anger- not to condone something bad, but to accept that it is just one aspect of our existence and to move our focus to what is right and good.
5. Choose to Give
Study after study has shown that happy people are more likely to give to others and that giving to others makes us happy. In fact, we often find we are attracted to people who give to others. Whether you give your time, attention, money or happy approach to life, routinely giving to others is a good choice for creating a happy life.
6. Choose a Spiritual Life
Studies have shown some correlation between strong spiritual beliefs and higher life satisfaction. Churches also tend to become communities that also provide people with rich social connections. However, in an organized church or not, every major religion in the world values many of the same virtues like compassion and appreciation and these positive emotions are all closely associated with happiness. 
7. Choose to manage your health and your money enough to stay out of chronic pain and poverty.
Rich people and middle class people, healthy people and unhealthy people all report about the same level of happiness, but people in chronic pain or living in poverty are less happy. Once you reach a certain level of health and wealth, more is not better, just about the same.These easy steps show you how to be happy by making happier choices for your life. You will be happier by leaving work on time and meeting your friends than staying late to chase that raise or bonus. Choose a job you enjoy that involves work you are good at instead of one that you dislike just because the money is a little better. Or, if you have an unsatisfying job, find hobbies that use your talents and strengths. So now that you know how to be happy, make some choices for happiness today.
Amal Fogra May2011
And so many topics fallow....in both Arbic & English about :
who you are who am I
what life mean to you
what is your goal in life
Happness /Money issue/Education
Amal Fogra May2011
أمـــــــــــــــــــــل الفـــــــــــــقراء